(Means: Formal Faggot)

Marica Formal Manifesto

(English transcript)

In Peru,

19% of the population believes homosexuality is a disease;

20% of the population believes HIV+ people should not go to work to keep an infection-free environment;

 31% of the population believes that HIV is an infection only for homosexual and trans individuals;

33% of the population believes homophobia is instinctive, not learned;

36% of the population believes it’s dangerous to leave a child with a homosexual;

 45% of the population believes people become homosexual only afterlife trauma;

46% of the population believes trans people live life confused…


I come from tulips,

who cares about what I do? who cares about what I say?

Either “I'm a total dyke, and I feel like”, or “The drill, behind his thrill”.

Quoting Atabey Mamasita:

¡Somos Maricas!


 I would prefer to not have another straight cis man calling another straight cis man: Marica or Maricón, ever again.

The habit of using the words is irrelevant to their actual weight; for which, on the most innocent cases,

only feeds a subconscious systematic homophobia. 

This project is an open call to everyone who shares this preference above, to manifest it;

and to those who do not yet, an invitation to join.

An invitation to claim the words at every step, to revolutionise them, to polish their corners,

And to turn them into a symbol of pride.

¡Somos Maricas!

So, here it goes one more time:

Personally, I would prefer to not have

One more straight cis man calling another straight cis man: Marica or Maricón 

“… de mierda…”

Because they wish, they could.

Graph Sources: Ipsos Peru 2022